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Time to Warp: Looking Back to the Beginning


Goals Reflection:

I began my “official” educational technology journey in 2011.  I use the quotation marks because I understand that my walk down this path really began long ago.  I have maneuvered through many forks, pits and Road Closed signs, but have managed to make my walk toward the “finish line.”  Even as I write these words, I remind myself that this is a long distance race, one that I never intend on finishing.  How can I ever reach all the goals set forth in the educational technology world.  Many times my courses have discussed the ever changing field, some predict what the future looks like… eventually being right and wrong on many accounts.

I started with two simple goals: 1) be more willing to use the technology I have learned, even if I am not completely sure how it will go and 2) give my students options for learning their material, sharing what they’ve found, reviewing with each other and myself.  Avenues of accomplishing these goals involved using Moodle (my school's student/teacher interface for presenting information, quizzing and reviewing), using PBWorks for a class wiki page and using Prezi instead of PowerPoint for the students and myself.   


Currently, I am working on a transition from Microsoft/PC based documents and lessons to Google Drive.  I have found that when I use my live links to share with students, staff, etc, any changes I make will be immediate and I will not have to resend/upload a newer version.  Let’s be real...teachers are always reworking what they do.  For my students, I am looking for them to become better digital citizens.  I teach at multiple campuses, on different days, so physically meeting with students can be difficult.  I like to make myself available to them via information on Moodle, email and social media, like Twitter.  I want to be a model for them about appropriate usage, then ask them to share back with me, their classmates and the world.

There are definitely some differences between what I once thought and what I think now.  The biggest change in my thinking is about the technology itself.  As already indicated, my thinking is going away from there being an ending point and perfect way of using, presenting and storing information.  I am using a Chromebook for my current personal computer.  It does run seamlessly with my school Google Apps for Education and personal Google Accounts.  I can even access all of my documents, edit them and share with my phone, if I want.  I am still in line with my previous goals, using without fear and finding out what works best for the students, but knowing that it will constantly be changing, so I will have to be open, look for new things and listen to what they might want.  I feel like my current goals are permutation of the initial ones, in the technology it is difficult to have specific long term goals due to the fluidity of field.

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